Anaconda Tutorial for Beginners ( + installation)

 First of all basic difference between the anaconda and miniconda is only that anaconda comes prebloated with alot of data science, machine learning and many more tools. 

So if you not have any storage issue go for anaconda else go for miniconda.

if you have some other purpose than data science, ml, ai you should go for miniconda.

Now anaconda is basically virtual environment management tool. Its a professional or customized version of pipenv package. 


after downloading it do the following

if you followed as said. You will get a normal installation installed.

after installing conda or miniconda with default options you have:

now scroll down by pressing enter multiple times and type "yes" to accept the terms and conditions.

Then just go with the default options.

1. conda list: list of all the packages installed in the current environment

2. conda env list : list of environments

3. conda create --name django: create a env named django

4. conda activate django : activate django

5. conda deactivate : deactivate the current environment.


- you should always keep your base env clean and do things in created envs.

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  • Manish Kumar
    Manish Kumar April 22, 2024 at 8:39 AM

    You have to conda init after installation, by going into bin only after that it will install completely.
    you can run conda init by running export PATH=~/anaconda3/bin:$PATH also

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